Frequently Asked Questions About Online Banking
- What can I do with Online Banking?
- What do I need to enroll for Internet Banking?
- How do I know if my browser is secure enough to use the Online Banking system?
Using Online Banking:
- Can I view transactions in all accounts through Online Banking? How far back?
- What customer service options are available through Online Banking?
Q: What can I do with Online Banking?
A: With Online Banking, you have control over nearly every aspect of managing your accounts. You can:
- View transaction history on your Online Banking accounts.
- Transfer funds between your authorized Online Banking accounts.
- Pay one-time, occasional, and recurring payments online.
- Download account information into Quicken®.
- Send and receive secure electronic messages to and from our financial institution.
Q: What do I need to enroll for Online Banking?
A: You must have an account with us, and you must have a secure Internet connection. Our Online Banking system currently is best viewed with the latest versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox. Your browser must also be SSL compliant with 256 bit encryption.
Q: How do I know if my browser is secure enough to use the Online Banking system?
A: Please be sure your browser and settings meet all the requirements for Online Banking access. Following are definitions for the table below:
- Supported – Full functionality of the product has been tested and successfully meets functional and all minimum design requirements.
- Allowed – Functionality of the product has been tested and successfully meets functional requirements. Design deficiencies and some functionality issues may occur.
- Unsupported – Browsers not specified in the matrix below are unsupported. Online Banking has not been tested with unsupported browser. Browsers in this category are not known to be extensively used as determined by usage statistics for the specific browsers.
- Mozilla Firefox 69 and newer*
- MS Internet Explorer 11**
- MS Edge
- Google Chrome 78 and newer
- Apple Safari 11 and newer
* Recommended browser providing optimal Online Banking functionality and display.
** Should not be used in Compatibility Mode
Q: Can I view transactions in all accounts through Online Banking? How far back?
A: Our Online Banking system stores up-to-date history on all of your authorized Online Banking accounts. The amount of history available may vary depending on the type of account.
Q: What customer service options are available through Online Banking?
A: As always, you can telephone us during business hours for questions regarding your accounts. However, you can send us secure encrypted emails from within your Online Banking session with any questions you may have regarding your accounts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Incoming messages will alert you to important events and news concerning your accounts.